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Key Chapter Facts

Chapter with key verses in parenthesis


1     Ascension of Christ (9).

        Apostle appointed (26).

2     Beginning of the body (1-4).

3     Cripple cured (6).

4     Disciples detained (3).

5     Envious saints (1-2)

        Escape from prison (17-20).

6     Faithful few chosen (seven) (3-6).

7     Great sermon by Stephen (entire chapter).

8     Here is water (36).

9     Into Damascus (8).

        Instant life (40).

10     Journey from Joppa (23).

11     Kingdom includes Gentiles (18).

12     Liberated again (17).

13     Men sent out to preach (3-4).

        Mark turns back (13).

14     Not gods, but men (15).

15     Old law not binding (23-24).

16     Philippians converted (12).

17     Questions on Mars’ Hill (19)

18     Response of the Corinthians (8).

19     School at Ephesus (9).

        Spread of God’s word from Ephesus to all Asia (10).

        Silversmith’s strike (24).

20     Troas on the Lord’s Day (6-7).

21     Uproar at Jerusalem (30-31).

22     Valiant defense (1-21).

        Valuable citizenship (25-29).

23     Waiting to kill Paul (12-15).

24     Xcuse of Felix (25).

25     Yet untried (14).

26     Zealous before Agrippa (2-29).

27 First of journey to Rome (1)

28 Last of Acts, arriving in Rome (16).


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